Explore a groundbreaking approach that will redefine the real estate industry with Douglas Hayden as we discuss the future of housing: commercial-to-residential conversion. He also shares the unbelievable advantages of living in a converted unit. Stay tuned to learn how you can breathe new life into underutilized office spaces today!
Key takeaways to listen for
Resources mentioned in this episode
About Douglas Hayden
Doug is the Founder, President, and CSO of Arthroto Industries Inc. He has an impressive track record spanning over 20 years in both the commercial and residential real estate sectors. Alongside his team, he has successfully executed more than 1,600 transactions, building a reputation for diligence, innovation, and client satisfaction.
Before delving into real estate, Doug held prominent roles at multiple tech startups, all of which were later acquired by industry giants such as Apple, IBM, and British Telecom. He then worked at SMED, an office solutions provider, where he steered the company towards integration with tech platforms, focusing on enhancing office environments with technology-infused solutions for raised flooring, walls, and ceiling systems.
In addition to his industry accomplishments, Doug is a distinguished REALTOR® and has been recognized with numerous awards throughout his career. Notably, he was part of the pioneering team that established EXP Realty in Canada. In honor of his service and impact, he has been the recipient of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Citizenship Medal and the Alberta Centennial Medal.
Connect with Douglas
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Buckle up for an honest, raw, and ultimately hopeful conversation that might just change the way you think about second chances!
Read MoreTune in for an unforgettable ride through the wild side of real estate, and stick around for the crazy story at the end that ties it all together.
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