Is your open house sign-in sheet information safe? Ron Schurr, a software guy turned REALTOR®, saw that it definitely wasn’t – especially when written down with pen and paper. He learned that traditional sign-in sheets risked being captured by rogue agents and technologically captured lists risked information being shared and profiled without the consent of the consumer. Ron saw that the real estate industry desperately needed a solution to sketchy sign-in sheets so he created it! Listen in to learn about OHGuests and why it’s critical to ask where all that personal information is going.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:
3 Key Points
Tune in for an unforgettable ride through the wild side of real estate, and stick around for the crazy story at the end that ties it all together.
Read MoreAnd if you think real estate knowledge only comes from books, wait until you hear how Clark's conversation with his landlord sparked his interest in real estate investing.
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