Even though having our pockets full of cash may seem to be the ultimate goal, everybody’s got their own motives when it comes to Real Estate. Join us today to hear a surprising story of a woman who actually sold her house but decided to stay. In this episode, you’ll learn some benefits of buying a house on terms.
Key takeaways to listen for
About Chris Prefontaine
Chris Prefontaine is a 3-time best-selling author of ‘’Real Estate on Your Terms’’, ‘’The New Rules of Real Estate Investing’’, and Moneeka Sawyer’s ‘’Real Estate Investing for Women’’. He’s also the founder and CEO of SmartRealEstateCoach.com and host of the Smart Real Estate Coach podcast.
Connect with Chris
Click this link to get a copy of ‘’Real Estate on your terms’’ for FREE and click here to register for Free Master’s Class!
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Plus, don’t miss Jillian’s hilarious story about a magnetic eyelash mishap during a signing - it’s a real estate moment you won’t forget!
Read MoreThis episode is packed with powerful insights, candid stories, and inspiration for anyone ready to embrace who they truly are, so tune in!
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