Tune in as Brenda Wise shares the red flags you should pay attention to when doing house showings and some smart strategies that can potentially save your life in crime situations.
Key takeaways to listen for
Resources mentioned in this episode
Living Safely in a Dangerous World
About Brenda Wise
For the last 38 years, Brenda Wise has helped female real estate agents experience a feeling of confidence and safety while going through the ins and outs of being a female in the workplace.
She has been traversing the country sharing her revolutionary approach to a safer and more effective real estate industry for women.
In a predominantly male-led personal safety industry (where violence to women occurs at a staggeringly disproportionate rate), Brenda offers a wealth of personal insight, public safety, knowledge, and certified training experience that has educated and inspired thousands of female REALTORS on how to avoid the hidden dangers within daily activities in the real estate profession and focus on closing more deals.
Connect with Brenda
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Buckle up for an honest, raw, and ultimately hopeful conversation that might just change the way you think about second chances!
Read MoreTune in for an unforgettable ride through the wild side of real estate, and stick around for the crazy story at the end that ties it all together.
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