Key takeaways to listen for
Resources mentioned in this episode
About Angelica Ventrice
Angelica is the founder of the Fit for Life Transformation Program. She coaches women in mindset, nutrition, and fitness to succeed in breaking free of their ingrained habits and faulty thinking.
Her mission is to teach women how to change their mindsets, so they can change their lives and help them shed those unwanted pounds along the way without ridiculous fad diets or crazy restrictions.
Connect with Angelica
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Leigh Brown University – New On-Demand Training
How to Dominate During This Recession!
Enroll Now to get ahead of the curve and learn how to manage changing markets, the action steps for what to do, and most importantly, what to say so that you can secure listings, assist more buyers, and grow your business no matter what the market is doing.
Stick around to hear how she handled one of the wildest real estate nightmares you’ll ever hear!
Read MoreIf you’re feeling stretched thin between work and life, you’ll want to hear this episode!
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