Welcome to this episode, where Peter Gallo brings attention to the crucial responsibilities of certified independent appraisers and their challenges, gradually sidelining them from the home valuation process. Join us as we delved into his personal encounter when he questioned a tech company representative regarding regulatory compliance. Our discussion covers insightful subjects that will educate not only home buyers and sellers but also real estate professionals. So, tune in and stay informed!
Key takeaways to listen for
Resources mentioned in this episode
About Peter Gallo
Peter has owned and operated HomeSight Appraisal, serving Charlotte, NC, and surrounding areas since 2004. He has 30+ years of residential appraisal experience, and HomeSight is one of Charlotte's largest residential appraisal firms. His company leads the industry in quality, reputation, and efficiency. The business is based solely on referrals and networking through existing clients' positive experiences. He strongly believes in positive relationships and works very hard to cultivate them.
Connect with Peter
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How to Dominate During This Recession!
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Plus, don’t miss Jillian’s hilarious story about a magnetic eyelash mishap during a signing - it’s a real estate moment you won’t forget!
Read MoreThis episode is packed with powerful insights, candid stories, and inspiration for anyone ready to embrace who they truly are, so tune in!
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