In this compelling episode, join us as we delve into the dynamic world of Kansas real estate with our guests, John Kilby, Matthew Anderson, and Stephanie McCullough from the Heart & Home KC real estate team. Discover firsthand the transformative impact of fostering strong business partnerships and the key takeaways that can supercharge your real estate career.
Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how powerful partnerships can be the catalyst for your real estate success. Don't miss out on the exciting stories and lessons awaiting you in this episode!
Key takeaways to listen for
● 14:50 The profound influence of good business partnerships on enhancing the customer experience
● 18:11 The factors that set your real estate business apart in today's competitive market
● 21:49 Insights into the mindset and actions required for successful property sales
● 29:17 One of the most valuable skills for growing your real estate business
● 35:02 Uncovering the surprising rules governing short-term rentals in Kansas City
Resources mentioned in this episode
● 6:15 Garden City Ammonia Program
● 25:57
About Heart and Home KC real estate team!
Matthew Anderson fell in love with the real estate industry after buying his first home with his partner Rachel in 2020, and John Kilby was the selling agent! After getting his license, Matthew called John to give him the news! From there, The Kilby Anderson Group was formed. Earlier this year, the magnificent Stephanie McCullough joined, which led to Heart & Home!
We are incredibly grateful to our clients for allowing us to assist in their real estate needs! We aim to build lifelong relationships and help you realize your real estate dreams!
Connect with John, Matthew, and Stephanie
● Website: Heart & Home KC
● Facebook: Heart and Home KC
● Instagram: @heart_and_home_kc
● Email: | |
● Phone Number: 913-522-5618 | 619-972-3398 | 816-469-9606
Connect with Leigh
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How to Dominate During This Recession!
Enroll Now to get ahead of the curve and learn how to manage changing markets, the action steps for what to do, and most importantly, what to say so that you can secure listings, assist more buyers, and grow your business no matter what the market is doing.
Buckle up for an honest, raw, and ultimately hopeful conversation that might just change the way you think about second chances!
Read MoreTune in for an unforgettable ride through the wild side of real estate, and stick around for the crazy story at the end that ties it all together.
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